OP statistics in ONNX.hub

OP statistics  in ONNX.hub
Photo by Matthew Moloney / Unsplash

alphabet order

      3 Abs
   4325 Add
     20 And
      2 ArgMax
    101 AveragePool
   3467 BatchNormalization
   3152 Cast
      8 CategoryMapper
     27 Ceil
    407 Clip
      2 Compress
   2706 Concat
   7714 Constant
    788 ConstantOfShape
   6448 Conv
      2 ConvInteger
      4 ConvTranspose
      1 CumSum
   3227 DequantizeLinear
    503 Div
    100 Dropout
     82 DynamicQuantizeLinear
      5 DynamicQuantizeLSTM
     97 Equal
     24 Erf
    194 Exp
    132 Expand
     40 Flatten
     52 Floor
     12 FusedMatMul
   7681 Gather
    251 Gemm
     29 GlobalAveragePool
      8 Greater
      2 Hardmax
     91 Identity
    150 InstanceNormalization
    228 LeakyRelu
     52 Less
      1 LessOrEqual
     91 Log
     30 Loop
     90 LRN
      5 LSTM
    861 MatMul
     96 MatMulInteger
      2 Max
    522 MaxPool
      4 Min
   3536 Mul
      3 Neg
    688 NonMaxSuppression
    843 NonZero
     41 Not
      4 OneHot
    160 Pad
    234 Pow
    100 PRelu
      1 preprocess
    276 QLinearAdd
      5 QLinearAveragePool
     67 QLinearConcat
   1191 QLinearConv
      4 QLinearGlobalAveragePool
     72 QLinearLeakyRelu
     30 QLinearMatMul
     62 QLinearMul
     10 QLinearSigmoid
   1577 QuantizeLinear
      7 Range
    100 Reciprocal
      6 ReduceMax
    466 ReduceMean
     65 ReduceMin
      8 ReduceSum
   4794 Relu
   2397 Reshape
     43 Resize
     48 RoiAlign
      2 Round
      2 Scan
     12 Scatter
     36 ScatterElements
   2229 Shape
     90 Sigmoid
   2276 Slice
    230 Softmax
    135 Split
    274 Sqrt
   1700 Squeeze
    879 Sub
    249 Sum
    146 Tanh
     47 Tile
     60 TopK
   1469 Transpose
   7973 Unsqueeze
     22 Upsample
     15 Where

Frequency order

      1 CumSum
      1 LessOrEqual
      1 preprocess
      2 ArgMax
      2 Compress
      2 ConvInteger
      2 Hardmax
      2 Max
      2 Round
      2 Scan
      3 Abs
      3 Neg
      4 ConvTranspose
      4 Min
      4 OneHot
      4 QLinearGlobalAveragePool
      5 DynamicQuantizeLSTM
      5 LSTM
      5 QLinearAveragePool
      6 ReduceMax
      7 Range
      8 CategoryMapper
      8 Greater
      8 ReduceSum
     10 QLinearSigmoid
     12 FusedMatMul
     12 Scatter
     15 Where
     20 And
     22 Upsample
     24 Erf
     27 Ceil
     29 GlobalAveragePool
     30 Loop
     30 QLinearMatMul
     36 ScatterElements
     40 Flatten
     41 Not
     43 Resize
     47 Tile
     48 RoiAlign
     52 Floor
     52 Less
     60 TopK
     62 QLinearMul
     65 ReduceMin
     67 QLinearConcat
     72 QLinearLeakyRelu
     82 DynamicQuantizeLinear
     90 LRN
     90 Sigmoid
     91 Identity
     91 Log
     96 MatMulInteger
     97 Equal
    100 Dropout
    100 PRelu
    100 Reciprocal
    101 AveragePool
    132 Expand
    135 Split
    146 Tanh
    150 InstanceNormalization
    160 Pad
    194 Exp
    228 LeakyRelu
    230 Softmax
    234 Pow
    249 Sum
    251 Gemm
    274 Sqrt
    276 QLinearAdd
    407 Clip
    466 ReduceMean
    503 Div
    522 MaxPool
    688 NonMaxSuppression
    788 ConstantOfShape
    843 NonZero
    861 MatMul
    879 Sub
   1191 QLinearConv
   1469 Transpose
   1577 QuantizeLinear
   1700 Squeeze
   2229 Shape
   2276 Slice
   2397 Reshape
   2706 Concat
   3152 Cast
   3227 DequantizeLinear
   3467 BatchNormalization
   3536 Mul
   4325 Add
   4794 Relu
   6448 Conv
   7681 Gather
   7714 Constant
   7973 Unsqueeze